Lloyd's Casualty Reports February 12, 1983 : ALIAKMON RUNNER
(Greek) Singapore, Feb. 11- Akiakmon Runner:
Local underwriters of vessel report it is alleged that vessel caught fire and sunk in
Indian Ocean early February while on passage from Singapore to Piraeus with cargo
of stone Buddhas.
Salvage Association's surveyors (See issue of Feb. 9)
At 2305 hours (1935Z) on February 7, 1983 the KAWACHI MARU received
S.O.S. from ALIAKMON RUNNER in distress informing position Lat. 10-00N, Long. 63-10E.
Ten minutes later those on board the KAWACHI MARU sighted flames of the ship in
distress on bearing 038 distant 8.5 miles. At 0801 hours (0401Z)
RUNNER sunk at a position Lat. 10-01N, Long. 63-18E.
Fujii & Toda were retained by New York lawyers acting for underwriters of a
containerized cargo of stone Buddhas laden on board the "ALIAKMON RUNNER",
which was valued by the shipper at US$30.2 million.
In March 1983 Fujii & Toda sent a report to the New York lawyers.